Thursday, January 21, 2010

SO MUCH, SO MUCH, TAN MUCHO PARA DECIR!! Many realizations in the past, I don't know, three hours. I have always considered myself to be a city girl; even never having lived in one, I have just always felt more comfortable in the city environment. AND this is such a beautiful, fun city. The most beautiful things are such a normal part of life here. Vibrant colors, beautiful plazas, Spanish tiles. But it is still a city, and that in itself does require some adjustment. I try to walk with a sense of purpose, but if anybody's going to say anything to me while passing on the street, it's "hello" because something about me just looks American. We stick out like crazy around here. We could probably make it a little easier on ourselves - not travel in packs, not wear North Faces. But that's kind of who we are, loud pack-travelin' north face-wearin' Americans. And something about us would still stick out. That's the biggest part of this adjustment thus far. I need to get over the fact that I'm not going to truly fit in, ever. I just want to drink it all in for four months. Also, city people are not as friendly as I would have expected! I can't just smile at people on the street like at home. I mean, I can, but it's unreciprocated. It hit me today, as I walked the forty-five minutes (yeah, cool) to the university, that I am actually here. This didn't surprise me, as I tend to have embarrassingly delayed reactions to things like this. I'm actually more surprised that I had an aHA moment within the first four days. Maybe I'm not doomed to be oblivious after all. Anyway, I had another aHA that, as crazy as it sounds, it is actually frighteningly possible to live here for four months and not better my Spanish. More on that later. Actually, more on everything later. I have to go somewhere else now. I'll be back later. That was vague. Sorry. You know about as much as I do about my daily schedule.

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