Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Before Shot.

It seems like blogging is very in these days. But think about it. What sounds like a nonsense word actually signifies that somebody is putting themselves out there, their own original or otherwise thoughts. Kind of a big freakin' deal! This blog world is comforting on a few levels - while people tell themselves that a blog is a tool for updating friends and family on one's life while requiring minimal interaction or small talk, I think most people probably harbor not-so-secret desires that strangers will somehow stumble across their blog, people will start a-talkin and a-twitterin and pretty soon, that modest blogging individual has a book deal/is in a fulfilling relationship with the eye candy in the next cubicle who fell in love with her insightful and so bravely public Internet musings/is on the cover of People, etc, etc. There might also be solace in the fact that while many might use the bloggings of another as justification for judgin' and preachin' and hateradin', most people are too lazy to do so. To do this would require filling out a comment box, which is far too complicated to be worth the time of the vast majority. I do not hope that this blog will make me famous or interesting enough to be judged. But, I do hope that a) this blog is entertaining and actually does update friends and family when keeping-in-touch conditions across the pond are less than optimal, and b) that you, please, for the love of all that is good, did not read that entire paragraph.
I have written far too many words about blogging on this, my blog, because I do not yet have much else to write about. I have had four weeks of ass-sitting, plenty of time to look at Facebook pictures of everybody on the planet and develop a dissertation about the work ethic of the Jersey Shore cast (GymTanLaundry. Every! Day!) and that's pretty much it. BUT! Here comes the big 'ol butt. Tomorrow, I am going to Spain! My bags are packed! My bank has been alerted! My Ipod is broken! Clearly, it's jet-settin' ime. Tomorrow, I will get on a plane, and that plane will go to Boston, and in Boston, I will get on a bigger plane, and that plane will go to Madrid, and then I will get on a teeny plane to Sevilla, and then I will pee my pants. And that'll be that.
I feel like it's not very Internet-cool to start blogging about an experience before I have actually embarked on it. Settin' the bar low here with this before shot, I guess. Hmm. Emotions? Got 'em. Packing troubles? You betcha. I would write more on this subject, but I feel that they're pretty standard.
What is the inspiration for your URL, Clever Liz? You may ask. Well, interested follower (you aren't a publisher by any chance, are you?) as is known to those who actually know me, I go to Villanova University. "Villanova" means "new home" in Italian (I think), and over the past two and a half years, that is what it has become. Well I like to think I'm clever so since I am leaving this place and people that I love (LOVE! LOVE! I'M IN LOVE AND I DON'T CARE WHO KNOWS IT!) and am hoping to make Sevilla a new home, I redundantly titled this blog, "new home." Womp Womp. But it didn't have much of a kick to it, so I put it in Spain-ish. So there's that.
Like I said, settin' the bar low.

1 comment:

  1. big- the fact that u just used "hateradin'" in ur first entry makes me love you all the more

    loooove, little :)
